Our mission is to offer top quality products for a whole range of user experiences. We want to entertain through games, books and comics. We want to relax and provide a inner peace through apps, games and books. We want to enhance productivity and performance through apps and consulting. Above all we want the users to reach new limits and broaden their horizons while enjoying themselves and having loads of fun.
We aim to be recognized world wide as a reliable business that provides innovative, fun and engaging products and services. We constantly strive to provide the best user experience and support. Ultimately, we envision a better, fuller and longer life for all people, in a small portion enabled by our products and services.
When you click the image of the product you're interested in, it'll redirect you to its location on Google Play.
Electro Wallpaper is a perfect background for your phone. It is fully touch-sensitive and has many settings you can change to make your experience better.
Steampunk Wallpaper is our very first wallpaper. It features animated rotating gears you can spin with your finger whenever you feel like it. Perfect for fans of steampunk.
WETFAG provides doses of most commonly used drugs in the emergency medicine and can also calculate doses for adults and children.